Recent Storm Damage Posts

Ice Dams can be a little known, but major problem.

2/14/2025 (Permalink)

We take proactive measures by starting our company vehicles a bit earlier and salting our sidewalks. We also prepare for the possibility that employees may need to stay home more frequently during snow days due to caring for their children. However, there are hidden risks that could jeopardize your business. One such issue is ice dams, which can be a significant problem during the snowy season.

Ice dams form when heated air melts the snow on the roof, allowing water to flow down but then becomes trapped behind still-frozen ice. When this trapped water cannot escape through the gutter system, it can backflow under the shingles and into the interior of the business. This can lead to damaged gutters, shingles, and, ultimately, water intrusion into your building.

Icicles can be an early warning sign of ice dams, as noted by To check for potential ice dams inside your building, look for water stains or moisture in your attic or along the ceilings of exterior walls. These indications may suggest that an ice dam has formed and water has penetrated the roof membrane.

When Storms or Floods hit Mason City, SERVPRO is ready!

8/29/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Mason City specializes in storm and flood damage restoration. Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quickly with the right resources. Which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit Mason City we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 641-424-3382

Preparing Yourself for a Tornado

8/29/2023 (Permalink)

No one has the ability to know the strength of a tornado before it touches the ground. Tornadoes don’t just lift and carry houses into the air like, one would think. The majority of tornadoes cause damage to buildings from the high winds and flying debris. Have you taken the precautionary measures to prepare you and your family, in the event, a tornado was to happen? If not, here are a few things you can gather and do, to help you be prepared and to stay safe!

  • Electronics to have on hand: batteries, flashlight, tv, radio, or a device with the internet to get the latest emergency weather updates
  • Create a tornado emergency plan, includes access to a “safe shelter” for yourself or others
  • Have an emergency kit
  • Educate your children on tornadoes and what they are.
  • Find a room to seek shelter on the lowest floor or basement, the best room to choose would be an interior one that has no windows (bathroom, closet, center hallway). Plan for this to be your tornado room to seek shelter.
  • For added protection, be sure to get under something sturdy (a heavy table or workbench). Cover your body with a blanket, sleeping bag, or mattress for added layers. Be sure to protect your head with anything available.

Preparing and following these tips will increase your safety and well-being if a tornado were to take place.  SERVPRO of Mason City can help assist in the cleanup and board of your home

Dry Out Your Property After Flooding

8/29/2023 (Permalink)

When a city is found beside a river, it provides an excellent source of running water, but the city also can sustain flood damage during storms. The unique geographic position that some homes hold near the river means that they also run the risk of flooding during an unusually severe storm. Excessive rainwater, intense winds, and debris that are carried by the rushing water make this situation dangerous for the longevity of your home. Fortunately, once the storm settles, and the water returns to the river, professional help nearby is only a phone call away. 
A wayward rock breaking a window is an easy way that water can rush into your living room and cause flooding in your Mason City home. The hardwood floors, expensive furniture, and electronics are all in danger from the moment the water touches them. Unfortunately, the longer the water sits without removal, the more damage it can cause to your precious belongings. 
Wood can warp and blister when exposed to water while it absorbs it, and electronics can short out. Allowing this water to sit stagnant for even a couple of days runs the risk of letting microbial growth occur. Mold growing in your home can cause further damage and thus eat more expenses to remediate. It is best to call for help as soon as you find floodwater in your home. 
Here at SERVPRO, we strive to get to your home as soon as we can after your call. Our technicians bring industrial-quality trade technology to your home so they can extract the water as quickly as possible. Using tools like extractors, submersible pumps, and wet/dry vacuums allows SERVPRO to remove the water swiftly. Acting immediately is what lets us move on to drying out your home. 
When the river in your city floods and causes damage to your home, do not pause. Phone SERVPRO of Mason City at 641-424-3382. Let us help you return your home to its pre-flood state. 

Disaster Kits For Your Pet

8/29/2023 (Permalink)

You made a disaster kit for yourself and your family, so make one for your pet. This includes medical records and medication, food, and water with can openers, leashes, and carriers.


  • Keep pets inside during a storm. Animals can become confused and run away from home during a disaster.
  • Arrange a safe haven for you and your pets during an evacuation. Do not leave pets behind.
  • Store an emergency kit—with items such as pet food, bottled water, medical records, a blanket, a flashlight, and leashes—as close to an exit as possible.
  • Make sure all pets wear collars and tags. 
  • Have your pet microchipped in case of a lost collar. 
  • Place a rescue alert sticker on your front home to let rescuers know that there are pets inside.
  • Choose a caregiver to take care of your pet in the event you are unable to.

SERVPRO of Mason City 

Flood Watch vs Flood Warning – What’s the Difference?

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

Flooding can occur rapidly and can cause major damage to homes and businesses. The National Weather Service or your local weather service issues flood watches, warnings, and advisories. But what do they mean? Below are the differences between the announcements and what you need to do for each.

Flood Advisory – this is the lowest level of flood notifications. Flooding may be possible under the current weather conditions, but if a flood does occur it is usually less severe. It is best to pay attention to weather announcements and be alert to the risk of flooding.

Flood Watch – this indicates that flooding may be possible in your area within 24 to 48 hours. It means that conditions are favorable for a flood, but not guaranteed. Be ready to seek shelter because a flood watch can quickly turn into a flood warning.

Flood Warning – this means flooding is imminent or already happening in your area. Some things you should be aware of at this time include locating emergency shelters, and evacuation procedures, avoiding low-lying areas, and staying tuned for weather updates. If officials advise evacuation, do so immediately.

Flash Flood Warning – flash floods are sudden and violent. This usually occurs within six hours or less when rain is heavy or levees and dams break. Because flash flooding happens so rapidly, there may not be time to send out alerts. If you become aware of this warning, seek higher ground immediately. Even if it is not raining in your area, flash flooding can still develop when the warning is issued.

Flooding can be very dangerous and sometimes very sudden. In inclement weather, always be alert to your local weather service or the National Weather Service for updates and how to protect yourself. Always exercise caution and be prepared. For water removal and mold damage after a flood, call SERVPRO of Mason City to make it look “Like it never even happened.”

Summer Storms

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

Heavy thunderstorms and potential tornadoes are always a threat to our area during the summer months. There are different types of disasters that can arise from these storms. Examples are flooding and power outages. Both cause potential safety hazards.

 Always be aware of large damaging storms that are possible in your area and prepared for the aftermath. Flooding can cause power outages. Power outages may even cause flooding in some areas and homes. If your home is equipped with a sump pump, make sure that you have a battery backup system. Make sure that the battery backup is operational and maintained regularly.

   An emergency kit is good to keep on hand in case of power outages, heavy flooding as well as other natural disasters that may strike at any time. At you can find an extensive breakdown of items recommended to have ready at any given time. Below is a summary list to get your kits started or up to date.

  • Water(one gallon per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation)
  • Food(at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food)
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and an NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Extra batteries
  • Whistle (to signal for help)
  • Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape (to shelter in place)
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags, and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
  • Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)
  • Manual can opener (for food)
  • Local maps (to help find safe emergency routes)
  • Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery (for emergency contacts)

Once your kit is assembled or updated, you must remember to maintain it.

  • Keep canned food in a cool, dry place.
  • Store boxed food in a tightly closed plastic or metal containers.
  • Replace expired items as needed.
  • Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family’s needs change.

Keep your emergency kit in a designated place where you have easy access to it, and are ready to go in a hurry. For more information, the above-hyperlinked word will lead you to designated sites to help in preparing your family for any emergency or disaster that mother nature can cause.

Cleaning up Flood Damage

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

Restoring your home or business after a flood is a difficult job. Depending on the severity of the flood, you may have to deal with structural damage, electrical damage, and potential health hazards. Before you begin dealing with the flood cleanup, ask yourself these questions:

Do you have the time?

Time is a crucial factor in a flood damage restoration project. The longer your belongings stay in the water, the worse the damage will be. Any area that is not dried thoroughly within 24 hours may have long-term problems. Can you afford to take several days or weeks off work to clean contaminated water and mud out of your home? Once the water is removed, your belongings must be dried and restored. SERVPRO of Mason City, a professional flood restoration company, can help you focus on getting your personal life back to normal faster as the flood damage in your home will be taken care of.

Do you have the expertise?

Flood damage cleanup is a multi-stage process. First, the floodwater must be pumped out and the area thoroughly dried. During this process, you will need to mitigate safety concerns due to the weakened structure of your home. There will also be health hazards as you will have to deal with bacteria and potential microbial growth. You will have to decide which of your possessions can be saved and what must be thrown away. Only then can you begin the actual flood repair work to make your home livable again.

Do you want to do the work?

Flood damage cleanup is dirty, often hazardous work. After the flood incident is over, do you want to face the job of cleaning contaminated water and mud out of your home, then sort through your possessions to see what can be saved? The emotional impact of flood cleanup can be significant and can interfere with other aspects of your life. Hiring SERVPRO of Mason City to complete in flood damage restoration is an investment in your mental and emotional health.

Call SERVPRO of Mason City - (641) 424-3382

Flood Damage to Hardwood Floors

8/25/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Can Help to Save Your Hardwood Floors after Flood Damage

Most people look forward to the end of winter in Mason City Iowa and the warmer weather that follows. We must, of course, remember that along with spring rainstorms, melting snow, and warm sunshine, there is an increased threat of flooding. It is all part of spring in the Midwest. Damage from flooding in the spring can be costly and extensive for you as a homeowner. If you have lived here for a while, you are probably aware of any flooding dangers that are possible.

These things sometimes, unfortunately, take you by surprise, and then your home is underwater. If this happens to you, it can be quite overwhelming, but it is not the time to hesitate. The water needs to be cleaned up as soon as possible to prevent even more damage, and to do this you need professional help. Our staff at SERVPRO are trained and experienced in flood damage, and we can help you anytime you need it.

We do not hesitate to get to your home once you contact us. SERVPRO technicians are trained to know the moisture effects on different materials and how to dry them properly, including your wood flooring. Permanence and exposure time are two of the major variables that determine how much damage is done to affected materials. Refers to how quickly water vapor goes through a material, and exposure time refers to how long the material was in contact with the water.

Wood naturally contains moisture but expands when it absorbs extra moisture. The boards can warp and expanded boards can push against one another. Buckling at the joints where the boards meet or at the walls can occur because of this. How much buckling happens depends on how much moisture is absorbed and what kind of wood it is. Warping and buckling can be permanent after the wood finishes drying. Floors have to be replaced if the right drying and refinishing cannot get rid of the damage.

Cupping and crowning can also occur. Cupping happens when the water is absorbed from the sides and bottom of the wood. The edges slightly raise or cup. Many times, it can be sanded out. Crowning happens when the top of the wood holds more moisture than the bottom and sides. It can make the wood arch, making a bowed shape in the middle. It usually happens with the bottom of the wood is over-dried.

SERVPRO of Mason City knows how to handle the wood flooring in your home. We are available 24/7! Call (641)424-3382

How to Ease Your Child's Fear of Thunderstorms

7/29/2022 (Permalink)

No two kids react to major and minor storms in quite the same way. Maybe yours gets a thrill at a flash of lightning or the kaboom of thunder. Or perhaps yours is the type who frets as soon the clouds roll in—not unreasonable if you or someone your child knows has weathered dramatic weather events, especially hurricanes or tornadoes. Fortunately, there are things you can do to ease your kids’ weather woes, both before a storm strikes and after it passes.

Try these tips from leading psychologists and weather experts:

  • Recognize that large and small storms can—and do—disrupt family life
  • Remember that round-the-clock news updates can trigger anxiety
  • Remain calm and supportive if your kids are apprehensive
  • Don’t underestimate the power of curiosity
  • Watch age-appropriate videos together

Preparing Your Pets for Natural Disasters

6/17/2022 (Permalink)

Does your family have an emergency plan in place for bad weather or other emergency situations?  Does it include a plan for your pets? Having your pets or animals in your plan, can save time if, or when, an emergency happens. There’s a lot to think about when an emergency happens, having what you need ready when the emergency occurs, can drastically increase your chances of staying safe during an emergency. Having an emergency kit for your pets, is just as important as having an emergency kit for your family members. There are a wide variety of pet’s that people can own, each one produces its own set of challenges, but the basic needs are somewhat the same. The things needed in a pet emergency kit are based on the type of animal, but your kit should include things like: medicines your pet may need, a few days’ worth of food and water, records of immunizations, if possible small crate or cage for the pet, sanitation items you may need ( cat litter, paper towels, trash bags, etc..), a photo of you and your pets in case you get separated, and familiar items your pet is used to (toys, treats, bedding, etc..).

                An emergency plan that’s already in place when an emergency happens, can keep, not only you, but your pets safe during an emergency. Knowing what your options are ahead of time, can cut down on stress levels on both you, and your pet.  Be sure to know exactly where family is going to meet and whose grabbing what supplies. Think about where you and your pet, may end up if you must leave your home. There are some places will not allow certain pets or won’t allow them at all. Check on supplies and rotate them out, if supplies need to be fresh and ready to use. Having a plan before an emergency can help keep your family and pets safe in an emergency! SERVPRO of Mason City can help you with this.

Stay Safe When Disaster Strikes

3/9/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is always on the lookout for ways to prepare for the unexpected. Recently, there have been many unexpected weather anomalies across the world and even in our area. Winterset, Iowa was recently ravaged by a deadly EF4 tornado claiming the lives of 7 Iowans outside of the Des Moines area. Not long ago in December, of all months, Northeast Iowa and the town of Rudd, Iowa was hit by an EF1 causing damage to properties, businesses, and homes. Emergencies can strike at any time, often without much warning. SERVPRO of Mason City is here to help by providing storm response services after your property has been damaged. We are here to help with roof tarping and board-up services to help protect your home’s interior from further damage from the elements. Our highly trained experts can help navigate you through those tough times when you are trying to restore your home and belongings. SERVPRO of Mason City can handle all your drying and restoration needs. We can get your home, structure, and belongings dry. We salvage your materials, and even restore your contents that have sustained storm or water damage! At SERVPRO we have adopted a very strong belief in restoration versus replacement. If your damages require extensive restoration, cleaning, or reconstruction we can perform an organized pack-out from the affected area. This will protect items from further damage and allow for a quicker process to take place. We use many methods to help restore your contents depending on the type of material it is made of. If your electronics, documents, or photographs have been affected by water damage we can use air-drying, dehumidification, freeze-drying, vacuum freeze-drying, and vacuum thermal drying methods can minimize any additional damages caused by water damages. SERVPRO of Mason City is on-call 24/7 and ready to respond to storm damage emergencies 365 days a year. We want to give you back the home you remember, which is why we even offer reconstruction services. Stay safe, and when disaster strikes, call us for guidance. We will get you on the right track and take the proper steps to get back to your life as quickly as possible. 

Just because you haven’t experienced a flood doesn’t mean you won’t.

12/6/2021 (Permalink)

According to the National Weather Service (NOAA), “Approximately seventy-five percent of all Presidential disaster declarations are associated with flooding.” NOAA lists the most common flood hazards in the United States as:

  • Flash Flooding
  • River Flooding
  • Storm Surge and Coastal Inundation from Tropical and Non-Tropical Systems
  • Burn Scars/Debris Flows (Caused by Wildfires)
  • Ice/Debris Jams
  • Snowmelt
  • Dry Wash (Caused by heavy rainfall in dry areas)
  • Dam Breaks/Levee Failure

Just because you haven’t experienced a flood doesn’t mean you won’t in the future. In fact, 20% of all claims paid by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) were for policies in low-risk communities. On average, floods cost $3.5 billion in annual losses in the U.S., and commercial flood claims average more than $75,000 (NFIP).

When catastrophic water damage happens to you, SERVPRO Mason City can help. They can help you prepare ahead of time with an Emergency Ready Profile® (ERP), or respond to any size disaster to begin cleanup and restoration to get you back in business as soon as possible.

Did we learn from the Derecho of 2020?

9/15/2021 (Permalink)

Property damage caused by severe weather can be devastating to your family home or business, and repairing it can be a complex undertaking. To get storm damage repair completed quickly and safely, you need a restoration service company that specializes in bringing your home back to its pre-accident condition.

SERVPRO of Mason City provides specialized emergency cleanup and restoration services in North Iowa to bring your property back to normal. We can handle any damage due to severe weather, including:


Lightning Strikes

Tornadoes and high winds (like Derecho)

Hail and ice storms

Freezing weather and ice dams

SERVPRO has successfully rebuilt thousands of wind-damaged houses through the years. It is in situations like these that our team’s specialized skill sets are required. Rebuilding part of a home is very different from a new construction facility. Building materials, design, and finishes must all be matched to the remaining structure, while moisture remaining in the building components may need to be addressed as well.

SERVPRO of Mason City is licensed and insured contractors that are available 24 hours a day. Call SERVPRO 641-424-3382 today.

Disasters don’t plan ahead

8/17/2021 (Permalink)

Do you know what to do when disaster strikes?

Come up with a plan today. If a disaster strikes, your family may not be together, so it is important to know which types of disasters could affect you, your family, and your friends.  Preparing your family for an emergency is as simple as a conversation over dinner or maybe bring it up to your friends and a cookout. Here are some ideas from SERVPRO of Mason City to get you started:

Know how you’ll contact one another and reconnect if separated.

Establish a family meeting place that’s familiar and easy to find.

Download a group texting app so your entire family and friends group keep in touch before, during & after an emergency.

Practice evacuating in the car with your animals, so they’re more comfortable if you need to evacuate in an emergency.

Sign up for local emergency alerts in your area by searching online.

Keeping yourself, your family and your friends safe should be your priority when disaster strikes. Be sure you have a plan in place before disaster strikes. For more information on creating and implementing a Disaster Plan visit

When Heroes Need Help

8/17/2021 (Permalink)

This water loss was caused by a busted pipe in the main clinic of a local hospital in Mason City, Iowa following a heavy rainstorm. Our SERVPRO of Mason City technicians responded quickly to save any further merchandise from being affected as well as the building structure. 

No Job Is Too Large

SERVPRO has a Commercial Large Loss Team that is composed of our best of the best in restoration. Our elite team is pre-qualified and strategically positioned throughout the US to handle any size disaster. Every large loss is supervised by a commercial operations manager to help ensure seamless communication and timely mitigation.

SERVPRO of Mason City is here to serve the central North Iowa area. If your business suffers a major loss, call (641) 424-3382

Storms Can Causes Significant Damage To Your Home!

7/5/2021 (Permalink)

We all know that strong winds and lighting during thunderstorms can actually cause major damage to your home

But who do you call when the clouds roll out?

SERVPRO has been fixing storm-damaged homes in the North Iowa area for years. Our technicians are qualified to handle almost anything.

They have the training and equipment to handle a small flood to massive thunderstorm damage resulting in holes in your roof from fallen trees or power poles, water damaged floors and even fire damage caused by lightning.

Why trust the process of putting your home back together to any person with a truck and a few tools. SERVPRO is licensed and insured to give you the ultimate peace of mind that you are in good hands.

Call us today (641) 424-3382!

13 Years After Iowa's Big Flood

6/8/2021 (Permalink)

One of Iowa's biggest floods to date

The year is 2008. It’s a warm, wet summer day in Iowa, on June 8th. Six billion dollars. That is the estimated total for damages of property due to the heavy torrential rains and high waters that began June 7th, 2008, peaking on Friday, June 13, 2008. While there were no flood-related deaths, few and far between were people who were not affected by the waters. Believe it or not, the 2008 Iowa floods and hurricanes were considered to be the 6th largest FEMA disaster declarations based on financial public assistance, right up there with Hurricane Katrina and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Communities rallied together bagging sand and barricading businesses to help prevent the water from causing even more damage. Wet, stormy weather and flooding are common causes of water damage. While it may be a no-brainer to stay alert and look for signs of trouble or water in your home during times like June 2008, but what about June 2021? What about today? When it comes to water damage timing is everything. SERVPRO of Mason City promises to arrange services within one hour from the notice of a loss, so you will know help is on the way! The longer damage goes unaddressed, the worse the damage will be. If excess moisture isn’t dealt with, mold, mildew, and microbial growth begin to occur, resulting in damaged or ruined carpets, furniture, and even structural components of your home like wood and drywall. In addition to materialistic damage, you and your family can suffer health effects due to mold exposure. Pay close attention to signs of excess moisture in your home like

Discoloration and spots on walls, ceilings, tile grout, and fabrics

Condensation on window glass or metal pipes

Musty, damp, unpleasant odors

Pools of water gathering underneath or near plumbing

Difficulty heating your home and keeping in warmth

Allergy symptoms that flare up whenever you’re homes, such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and nasal congestion

Leaks along with ceilings and walls when it rains

Signs of water damage or puddling around your home’s foundation.

If you notice these or any other water or mold damage signs, make sure to make SERVPRO of Mason City your first call at 641-424-3382. We are available 24/7 to help mitigate damages and restore your property “Like it never even happened.”

Storms Leaving Water In Your Basement

6/5/2021 (Permalink)

We Specialize in Basement Floods Clean-Up and Restoration After Storms from water extraction to spinning the floors.

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

If you Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call SERVPRO of Mason City Today At - (641)424-3382

A Derecho devastated countless Midwest communities

8/13/2020 (Permalink)

Midwest grain bins destroyed by Derecho

Recently Iowa, along with surrounding states experienced a catastrophic weather event called a derecho. A derecho is a long-lived straight-line windstorm that is part of a line of powerful thunderstorms. The damage is widespread and has been devastating to countless Midwest communities. There were parts of the region that reached sustained wind speeds of 100+ MPH.

Whatever type of weather event happens, SERVPRO of Mason City is able to respond quickly. Our IICRC certified staff has several years of combined experience responding to weather events across the Midwest. Most recently, our SERVPRO team responded to storms involving catastrophic flooding in the Chicago area, as well as in southern Minnesota. We have been able to assist with this latest event by coordinating temporary power through generators for homes and businesses that have been without power since the storms moved through.

SERVPRO of Mason City has the knowledge and skills to respond quickly and professionally to assist home and business owners during these stressful times; from the first responders to our office staff, we can help you navigate the steps from day one through completion. SERVPRO of Mason City also has years of experience working with insurance professionals and has the knowledge to assist throughout that process.

When a big storm happens, you want to rely on the experienced professionals at SERVPRO of Mason City to make it “Like it never even happened.” We are available to help 24 hours a day to help. You can reach us at (641) 424-3382.

Midwest Storms Call for Help!

8/13/2020 (Permalink)

A storm can occur any time anywhere and can leave behind devastation to the homes and businesses in that area. SERVPRO of Mason City is dedicated to helping people in need and making a storm look "Like it never even happened." Individual SERVPRO of Mason City franchises and storm response teams around the country work together to help during these catastrophic events.

Our franchise had the recent opportunity to assist in two different storm events. The first was in Chicago, IL and the second in Mankato, MN, each relating to a flood situation.

The production staff working in those areas gained much experience with organization and prioritization, projecting how much equipment and consumable products that would be necessary to bring along. Once on site, the project manager was able to come up with a game plan quickly and the team was able to execute effectively to get each homeowner taken care of.

The office staff also learned a lot about communication during these storm events. With the storm team not at home base, communication was a bit challenging. Each staff member was able to overcome those challenges.  Having a support system back home to help them out there was huge.

Being able to assist the local franchises with these storms has given our franchise an opportunity for growth and has been a great training tool for us. Not only do we get to help more people in need, but we also get to learn in the process.

Prepare for the changing of the seasons

4/3/2020 (Permalink)

Spring weather can be very unpredictable as temperatures fluctuate from temperate to frigid. It is the time of year when thunderstorms are most prevalent bringing heavy rains, lightning and even tornadoes.

Alan Lakein, an author on personal time management, once wrote, "Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now." That's very empowering when you think about it. It's almost like time traveling without a DeLorean or having to mess with all that space-time continuum stuff. Planning for emergencies can also bring you great peace of mind. Think of it as an insurance policy against future disasters. 

Here is a list of tips to help you prepare for the changing seasons.

1. Evaluate the exterior of your home.

  • Inspect the condition of your roof and siding.
  • Evaluate foliage around your home to ensure tree branches are trimmed to prevent them from falling on your home during a storm.
  • Inspect your gutters to make sure they are free from debris and that downspouts are secured and in place.

2. Check your sump pump.

3. Tend to leaks and inspect for unnoticed new leaks.

4. Make storm safety plans.

  • Conduct a family meeting that will inform everyone what you emergency plans are.
  • Have an out of town contact your family knows the number to. This is who you'll call to inform where you are after disaster occurs.
  • Teach your children how and when to call emergency numbers.
  • Have a location picked out as the place your family will meet in case you get separated from one another. Make sure everyone knows not only the best escape routes but the safe places to go inside your home if a tornado approaches.
  • Know how and when to turn off water, gas and electricity at the main switches or valves.
  • Have fire extinguishers ready. Show everyone where they're located and how to use them.
  • Inventory your possessions and keep that list along with other important documents in a safe deposit box or in the cloud. (On the internet)
  • Keep your home owners or renters insurance company's telephone numbers readily available. (Also, be sure to keep SERVPRO of Mason City, Austin & Albert Lea's phone number close at hand.)

5.Maintain your plan and kit.

  • Every six months, review your plans with your family, conduct evacuation drills and restock expiring food and perishables in your kit. Also, confirm your fire extinguisher is recharged and smoke alarm batteries are replaced.

6. Get informed- Many areas have local emergency management offices and/or a Red Cross Chapter. These organizations can provide vital information concerning local emergency shelters. It's also a good idea to invest in a NOAA weather radio that will alert you during any time of the day or night for when possible destructive conditions materialize.

SERVPRO of Mason City, Austin & Albert Lea is dedicated to responding immediately to your flood and storm damage emergencies in order to help minimize the loss. We have the storm damage restoration experience and specialized equipment to restore your home or business back to pre-storm condition.

What to Check Before a Winter Storm

11/5/2019 (Permalink)

Iowa winters are filled with freezing temperatures, snow, and ice. SERVPRO of Mason City recommends checking these 3 things before a winter storm hits.

  • It is advised to get your fireplace chimney inspected once a year. Using a wood fireplace is a great way to get extra heat in the winter, but if not taken care of can be a fire hazard. Chimney fires can be caused by creosote, soot, and other debris that can create blockage.
  • Before the start of really cold weather protect your pipes from freezing. Common water pipes to break during the cold are ones in basements, crawl spaces, attics, garages, or kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Normally these are pipes that are running in a poor insulated wall or exterior wall. There are a few steps you can take to prevent them from freezing. Keep a few faucets dripping that are along exterior walls. Open your kitchen and bathroom cabinets to let in extra heat. Lastly keep the thermostat at the same temperature during the day and at night.
  • Do you know where your HVAC intake and exhaust vents are located? If large amounts of snow fall it can cause these vents to be covered by the snow. If the intake vent is blocked it can cause your furnace to stall meaning you are left without heat. Exhaust vents being covered can cause toxic fumes to be pushed back into your home.

 Mason City SERVPRO is here for you if you ever experience winter damage. SERVPRO is available 24/7 with experienced technicians to make it look like it never happened.